Waiting for our car rental
Our first stop was Mai Khao Beach
Walking to Nai Yang Beach which is right next to the airport
You could feel the power of the planes as they flew right over our heads
Nai Thon Beach
Banana Beach
Can you spot the huge spider? It’s body alone without the legs was about 5-6 inches long.
Driving the first time on the right side of the road with the steering wheel on the right, boy was that hard to get used to.
Beautiful eagle
Our private villa
Our private swimming pool
The view from our terrace
The Big Buddha
Wild monkeys that live above the Monks’ residence
Rawai Beach
Yanui Beach
Nahan Beach
A tiny little 1cm long crab
On the Rawai Beach strip is this restaurant with a sign so bright that it attracts little bugs for dinner for the lizards.
Millions of crabs out during low tide

We traveled to the Northern part of Phuket and changed residences to a private villa on the beach near Ao Po Pier.